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#   PaPaPro Lake benthic biodiversity
#   Palau marine lake transect biodiversity survey, 2014-2016
#   M. Dawson (UC- version 2 [rsion date: 2019-05-08
#   version 2 [replaces 2014-11-27 version 1/2014-11-27]
Lake_id  lake_name                          lat       lon        
NLU      Ngel_Lake_Uluptagel                7.3114    134.4722   
Date_orig  Date_ISO      Site  Person  depth_target_ft  Cell  depth_actual_meas_ft  depth_actual_m  Transect_distance_m  Main_org_DNA                              Other_orgs_DNA_ring                                                                                   Substrate                                 Primary_tube          Tube_i                Tube_ii               Tube_iii              Tube_iv               Tube_v                Tube_vi               Tube_vii              Notes  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Light pink ball sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Tumbleweed sponge                         nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    White translucent striated tube sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-LMS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Rust squishy leathery sponge              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-LMS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    White translucent striated tube sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-LMS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    Orange fragile sponge                     nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-LMS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     2                A     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  White translucent striated tube sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     2                B     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  White translucent striated tube sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     2                C     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     2                D     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.25                 Bright orange soft holey encrusting sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.25                 Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.25                 Bright orange soft holey encrusting sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.25                 Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Olive yellow fine mesh sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Bright orange billowy disintegrating sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Orange felty encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     2                A     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     2                B     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Black mucus sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-03-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated; sample felt slimey with hard abrasive parts like a coral; I think this is a coral and Mike Dawson thinks this is a sponge  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     2                C     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-03-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     2                D     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Pink and white swirl encrusting sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-03-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated; spong turns rust red when touches or cut  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-03-LMS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-03-LMS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated; no sample  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-03-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood and leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood and leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    Red tendril sponge                        nd                                                                                                    wood and leaf litter                      NLU-03-LMS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     2                A     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-04-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     2                B     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-04-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     2                C     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Bright orange billowy disintegrating sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-04-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     2                D     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-04-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-04-LMS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     2                A     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     2                B     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     2                C     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     2                D     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  Orange tendril encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-LMS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-LMS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-LMS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  Orange felty encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-LMS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer and leaves            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    White lace colonial ascidian              White lacey Clathrina                                                                                 rock with mud layer and leaves            NLU-06-LMS-0.5m-B     NLU-06-LMS-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer and leaves            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer and leaves            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    White translucent striated tube sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-06-LMS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer and shell             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    White translucent striated tube sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-06-LMS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     2                A     1.5                   0.46            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     2                B     1.5                   0.46            0                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-07-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     2                C     1.5                   0.46            0                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-07-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     2                D     1.5                   0.46            0                    Brown red coralline alga                  Fine branching green alga                                                                             rock with mud layer                       NLU-07-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; Filamentous green alga in same tube as primary  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            2.5                  Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-07-LMS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated; Blue and orange  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            2.5                  Orange felty encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-07-LMS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            2.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated; dead flower coral covered in cyanobacteria  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            2.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated; dead flower coral covered in cyanobacteria  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    I though this was bivalve spat but after examining under the microscope it looks just like a rock or fragment of shell  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     2                A     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-08-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated; Blue and orange  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     2                B     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     2                C     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     2                D     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Brown skin yellow inners sponge           Filamentous mat green alga                                                                            rock with mud layer                       NLU-08-LMS-0.5m-D     NLU-08-LMS-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated; seems sponge can take different morphologies encrusting on rock or making long snake like pieces  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-08-LMS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated; Blue and orange  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  Brown skin yellow inners sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-08-LMS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated; seems sponge can take different morphologies encrusting on rock or making long snake like pieces  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  Brown skin yellow inners sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-08-LMS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated; seems sponge can take different morphologies encrusting on rock or making long snake like pieces  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-08-LMS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated; Blue and orange  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Yellow encrusting sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-09-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Brown and orange dot coral                nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-09-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-09-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-09-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-09-LMS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Blue and orange  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            8                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung; lost sample  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     2                A     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-10-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     2                B     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-10-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     2                C     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Grey small soft sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-10-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated; white branching thing is probably nothing per MND  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     2                D     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Smokey grey holey mound sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-10-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-10-LMS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Blue stain                                nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    stain just in rock  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-10-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-10-LMS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-10-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Orange felty encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-10-LMS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     2                A     1.5                   0.46            0                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-11-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; sample very difficult to get off of rock because so thin; just felt like a film, but nothing really to chisel off; biofilm? Mustard encrusting?  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     2                B     1.5                   0.46            0                    Dark brown rigid knobbed sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-11-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; sponge was a creamy color inside  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     2                C     1.5                   0.46            0                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-11-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     2                D     1.5                   0.46            0                    Olive yellow fine mesh sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-11-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            4                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-11-LMS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Blue and orange  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            4                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-11-LMS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Turquoise  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            4                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-11-LMS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            4                    Brown mound white dot tiny coral          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-11-LMS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     2                A     1.5                   0.46            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     2                B     1.5                   0.46            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     2                C     1.5                   0.46            1                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-12-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; sponge is same color inside  
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     2                D     1.5                   0.46            1                    Bright orange soft holey encrusting sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-12-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-12-LMS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    Orange felty encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-12-LMS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-13-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-13-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            7.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    tag was in the wrong place on the line, adjusted and then fixed; sediment had quarter sized holes  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            7.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    tag was in the wrong place on the line, adjusted and then fixed; sediment had quarter sized holes  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            7.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    tag was in the wrong place on the line, adjusted and then fixed; sediment had quarter sized holes  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            7.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    tag was in the wrong place on the line, adjusted and then fixed; sediment had quarter sized holes  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    White translucent striated tube sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-14-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-14-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    Pink and white swirl encrusting sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-14-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; sponge turns rust red when you touch it or cut it  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    Encrusting red alga                       Fine branching green alga; Fine branching red alga                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-14-LMS-0.5m-D     NLU-14-LMS-0.5m-Di    NLU-14-LMS-0.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.4             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.4             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.4             1                    Orange and yellow slippery encrusting sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-01-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.4             1                    Orange Haliclona                          nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-01-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     3                A     nd                    1.1             2                    Orange Haliclona                          nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-01-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     3                B     nd                    1.1             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     3                C     nd                    1.1             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     3                D     nd                    1.1             2                    Orange and yellow spiderweb sponge        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-01-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    turned water black, spongy  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     7                A     nd                    2               12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     7                B     nd                    2               12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     7                C     nd                    2               12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     7                D     nd                    2               12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             0.4                  Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-02-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             0.4                  Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-02-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             0.4                  Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-02-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             0.4                  Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-02-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     3                A     nd                    1               1                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-02-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     3                B     nd                    1               1                    Grey small soft sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-02-MRS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     3                C     nd                    1               1                    Orange tendril encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-02-MRS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     3                D     nd                    1               1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-02-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.6             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-02-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.6             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-02-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.6             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-02-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.6             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-02-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     7                A     nd                    2.3             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-02-MRS-2.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     7                B     nd                    2.3             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-02-MRS-2.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     7                C     nd                    2.3             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-02-MRS-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     7                D     nd                    2.3             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-02-MRS-2.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.55            1                    Pink and white swirl encrusting sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-03-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-03-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-03-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             2                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-03-MRS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             2                    Purple encrusting coralline alga          nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-03-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             3                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-03-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             3                    Red encrusting coralline alga             nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-03-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             3                    Red encrusting coralline alga             nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-03-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     7                A     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     7                B     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     7                C     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     7                D     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             2                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-04-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             2                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-04-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     3                A     nd                    1.1             3                    Dirty orange bush sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-04-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     3                B     nd                    1.1             3                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-04-MRS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     3                C     nd                    1.1             3                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-04-MRS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     3                D     nd                    1.1             3                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-04-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     7                A     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     7                B     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     7                C     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     7                D     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             1                    Black slick thin sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-05-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             1                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-05-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             1                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-05-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             1                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-05-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     3                A     nd                    1.1             2                    Tumbleweed sponge                         nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-05-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     3                B     nd                    1.1             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-05-MRS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     3                C     nd                    1.1             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-05-MRS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     3                D     nd                    1.1             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-05-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.6             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.6             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.6             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.6             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     7                A     nd                    2               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     7                B     nd                    2               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     7                C     nd                    2               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     7                D     nd                    2               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             1                    White translucent striated tube sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-06-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             1                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-06-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             1                    Orange and turquoise flower cheetah coral  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-06-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             1                    Orange Haliclona                          nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-06-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     3                A     nd                    1.1             2                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-06-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     3                B     nd                    1.1             2                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-06-MRS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     3                C     nd                    1.1             2                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-06-MRS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     3                D     nd                    1.1             2                    Olive yellow large osculed encrusting sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-06-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     7                A     nd                    2               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     7                B     nd                    2               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     7                C     nd                    2               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     7                D     nd                    2               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             2                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-07-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             2                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-07-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             2                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-07-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     3                A     nd                    1.1             4                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-07-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     3                B     nd                    1.1             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     3                C     nd                    1.1             4                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-07-MRS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     3                D     nd                    1.1             4                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-07-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     7                A     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     7                B     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     7                C     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     7                D     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.4             2                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-08-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.4             2                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-08-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.4             2                    Dark brown mucus tube sponge              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-08-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.4             2                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-08-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     3                A     nd                    1.1             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     3                B     nd                    1.1             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     3                C     nd                    1.1             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     3                D     nd                    1.1             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     7                A     nd                    2               26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     7                B     nd                    2               26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     7                C     nd                    2               26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     7                D     nd                    2               26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             2                    Sediment green alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-09-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             2                    Sediment green alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-09-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             2                    Sediment green alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-09-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             2                    Sediment green alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-09-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     3                A     nd                    1.2             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     3                B     nd                    1.2             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     3                C     nd                    1.2             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     3                D     nd                    1.2             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.6             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.6             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.6             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.6             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     7                A     nd                    2               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     7                B     nd                    2               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     7                C     nd                    2               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     7                D     nd                    2               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.4             1                    Filamentous mat green alga                nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-10-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.4             1                    Filamentous mat green alga                nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-10-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.4             1                    Filamentous mat green alga                nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-10-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.4             1                    Filamentous mat green alga                nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-10-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     3                A     nd                    1.1             2                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-10-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     3                B     nd                    1.1             2                    Purple encrusting coralline alga          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-10-MRS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     3                C     nd                    1.1             2                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-10-MRS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     3                D     nd                    1.1             2                    Very fine branching red alga              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-10-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.6             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.6             4                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-10-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    did not stain water  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.6             4                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-10-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.6             4                    Yellow paint sponge                       White tiny tube sponge                                                                                mud                                       NLU-10-MRS-1.5m-D     NLU-10-MRS-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Barcode Yellow paint sponge (Peach sprinkles sponge)  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     7                A     nd                    2.1             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     7                B     nd                    2.1             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     7                C     nd                    2.1             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     7                D     nd                    2.1             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             3                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-11-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             3                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-11-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             3                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-11-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     3                A     nd                    1               6                    Deep pitted flower faviid coral           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-11-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     3                B     nd                    1               6                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-11-MRS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     3                C     nd                    1               6                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-11-MRS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     3                D     nd                    1               6                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-11-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     7                A     nd                    2               21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     7                B     nd                    2               21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     7                C     nd                    2               21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     7                D     nd                    2               21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-12-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             1                    Orange Haliclona                          nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-12-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             1                    White translucent spotted encrusting sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-12-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             1                    Orange Haliclona                          nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-12-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             2                    Green and orange finger sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-12-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             2                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-12-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     7                A     nd                    2               17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     7                B     nd                    2               17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     7                C     nd                    2               17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     7                D     nd                    2               17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-13-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             1                    Tan fan fungus coral                      nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-13-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             1                    Tan fan fungus coral                      nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-13-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     3                A     nd                    1               3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     3                B     nd                    1               3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     3                C     nd                    1               3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     3                D     nd                    1               3                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-13-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     7                A     nd                    2               18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     7                B     nd                    2               18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     7                C     nd                    2               18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     7                D     nd                    2               18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             2                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-14-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             2                    Dark brown rigid knobbed sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-14-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             2                    Dark brown rigid knobbed sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-14-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             2                    Orange giraffe print coral                nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-14-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     3                A     nd                    1               3                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-14-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     3                B     nd                    1               3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     3                C     nd                    1               3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     3                D     nd                    1               3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     7                A     nd                    1.9             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     7                B     nd                    1.9             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     7                C     nd                    1.9             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     7                D     nd                    1.9             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    Black thin felty sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Green stain                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-SWK-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-SWK-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ID unknown  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     7                A     7                     2.13            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     7                B     7                     2.13            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     7                C     7                     2.13            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     7                D     7                     2.13            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Red encrusting coralline alga             White tiny tube boring sponge                                                                         rock                                      NLU-02-SWK-0.5m-A     NLU-02-SWK-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    Red encrusting coralline alga             nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-02-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-02-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-02-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-SWK-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Grey iridescent dendro sponge             Brown disc banded arm brittle star                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-SWK-1.0m-C     NLU-02-SWK-1.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Grey small soft sponge                    Encrusting red alga                                                                                   rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-SWK-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Unable to separate, both samples are in the same tube  
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     5                A     6                     1.83            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     5                B     6                     1.83            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     5                C     6                     1.83            2                    Fine wiry green alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   NLU-02-SWK-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     5                D     6                     1.83            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     7                A     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     7                B     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     7                C     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   NLU-02-SWK-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small piece loose on sediment, appeared to be a tree root  
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     7                D     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    nd                                        NLU-03-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Orange felty encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    nd                                        NLU-03-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Pink and white swirl encrusting sponge    nd                                                                                                    nd                                        NLU-03-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Turned orange with touched or cut  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Side of boulder  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    Red encrusting coralline alga             nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-03-SWK-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-03-SWK-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     7                A     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     7                B     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     7                C     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     7                D     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Red encrusting coralline alga             nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-04-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-04-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-04-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-04-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-04-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-04-SWK-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-04-SWK-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     7                A     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     7                B     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     7                C     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     7                D     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    Green and yellow spiculous sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  White translucent striated tube sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  Ribbon red alga                           Brown red coralline alga                                                                              rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-SWK-1.0m-B     NLU-05-SWK-1.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-SWK-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-SWK-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     7                A     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     7                B     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     7                C     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     7                D     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-06-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    White tiny tube boring sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-06-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    White tiny tube boring sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-06-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    White tiny tube boring sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-06-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    Orange fragile sponge                     nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-06-SWK-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-06-SWK-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-06-SWK-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     7                A     6                     1.83            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     7                B     6                     1.83            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     7                C     6                     1.83            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     7                D     6                     1.83            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-07-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-07-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf fragemtns          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf fragemtns          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-07-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Had Flower faviid coral shape but no color.  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock had blue stain, did not sample because I didn’t see it until reviewing photos  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-07-SWK-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Encrusting red alga was on a piece of dead Flower faviid coral.   
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     7                A     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     7                B     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     7                C     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     7                D     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0.5                  Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        NLU-08-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0.5                  Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        NLU-08-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brown wuth blue circles  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0.5                  Green and yellow spiculous sponge         Brown disc banded arm brittle star                                                                    nd                                        NLU-08-SWK-0.5m-C     NLU-08-SWK-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0.5                  Rusty ear coral                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        NLU-08-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Pachyseris?  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf fragemtns          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf fragemtns          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf fragemtns          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf fragemtns          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     7                A     7                     2.13            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     7                B     7                     2.13            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     7                C     7                     2.13            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Hole in 07-C, unknown what was in the hole  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     7                D     7                     2.13            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Hole in 07-D, unknown what was in the hole  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Green turf alga                           Pink encrusting coralline alga                                                                        rock with mud layer                       NLU-09-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Could not separate the two samples, collected in the same tube  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Green turf alga                           Pink encrusting coralline alga                                                                        rock with mud layer                       NLU-09-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Could not separate the two samples, collected in the same tube  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Green and yellow warty coral              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-09-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-09-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green with bright green circles  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            4                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-09-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brown with light blie circles  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            4                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-09-SWK-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            4                    Fine wiry green alga                      Tan yellow stain                                                                                      rock with mud layer                       NLU-09-SWK-1.0m-C     NLU-09-SWK-1.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     7                A     7                     2.13            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf fragemtns          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     7                B     7                     2.13            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf fragemtns          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     7                C     7                     2.13            15                   Brown and white hairy clam                nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf fragemtns          NLU-09-SWK-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell was damaged during extraction of tissue  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     7                D     7                     2.13            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf fragemtns          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with green alga cover                NLU-10-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On face of rock slope  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with green alga cover                NLU-10-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On face of rock slope  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with green alga cover                NLU-10-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On face of rock slope  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with green alga cover                NLU-10-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On face of rock slope  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-10-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-10-SWK-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     7                A     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     7                B     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     7                C     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     7                D     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0.5                  Orange Cliona                             nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-11-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Horizontal was placed half way between 0 m mark and 1 m mark  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0.5                  Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-11-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Horizontal was placed half way between 0 m mark and 1 m mark  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Horizontal was placed half way between 0 m mark and 1 m mark  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Horizontal was placed half way between 0 m mark and 1 m mark  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    Fine wiry green alga                      nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-11-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    Fine wiry green alga                      nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-11-SWK-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Fine wiry green alga                      nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-11-SWK-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Fine wiry green alga                      nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-11-SWK-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     7                A     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     7                B     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     7                C     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     7                D     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Maroon thin felty sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-12-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    White lace colonial ascidian              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-12-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and wood fragments          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and wood fragments          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and wood fragments          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and wood fragments          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     7                A     6                     1.83            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     7                B     6                     1.83            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     7                C     6                     1.83            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     7                D     6                     1.83            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaves                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White cyanobacteria layer on surface  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaves                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White cyanobacteria layer on surface  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-13-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-13-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-13-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Pink encrusting coralline alga on piece of dead coral  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-13-SWK-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Looked like some kind of black sponge on the rock but I was unable to collect a sample  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-13-SWK-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     7                A     6                     1.83            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     7                B     6                     1.83            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     7                C     6                     1.83            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     7                D     6                     1.83            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0.5                  Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-14-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0.5                  Red encrusting coralline alga             nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-14-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0.5                  Red encrusting coralline alga             nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-14-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0.5                  Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-14-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    Blue stain                                nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-14-SWK-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Blue stain on rock  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    Blue stain                                nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Blue stain on rock  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     7                A     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     7                B     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     7                C     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     7                D     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them